Thursday, February 28, 2013

Belton Mortgage Group-Mortgage Debt Relief

Welcome to the Belton Mortgage Group! We have been successfully helping people with mortgage debt relief for over 7 years and have since expanded our business services to include commercial debt collection

With years of experience and hundreds of successful modifications and negotiations Belton Investment Group has saved individuals thousands of dollars.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Attention Local Attorneys

Belton Processing Presentation 2.0

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is There An Outlet? Solar Mobile Charger

By Darlene Matthews

Studies show that the most productive people are those that have business plans, schedules and devices they can count on? Millions of people are inconvenienced and stressed when ever their charge begins to run out on their mobile device or computer. In this day of modern technology millions if not billions are still a slave to the old fashioned electrical cord.

In business there is no excuse for not getting the job done; even dying devices. How have you been coping?
What do you do when your devices are failing at a crucial time and you have to come to a screeching halt; the protocol is normally:

  • finding an outlet
  • borrowing a phone
  • switching your battery 

How To Keep Your Mobile Device Charged

  1. Have a working charger with you in your car or bag.
  2. Have a fully charged spare battery with you all of the time.
  3. Have a solar charger for convenience everywhere during the day.
No longer will you be a slave to finding an outlet or inconvenience another (no one wants to lend their personal device) by borrowing their device again. Why? Because your going to invest in getting your own solar powered charger and stop hugging those walls. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What You Need For Debt Settlement Negotiations

Having your bills and mortgage payments negotiated can be tedious to say the  least if you don't have what you need for your consultant. The last thing you want to do is receive countless phone calls because of inadequate current paperwork.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

How To Remove Bad Credit Entries From Your Credit Report

By LaToya Irby, Guide

Use this letter to request debt collectors to remove a collection accounts from your account in exchange for payment. Replace the bold items with your unique information.

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State Zip

Collector’s Name
Collector’s Address
Collector’s City, State Zip

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Stop Debt Collectors Harrassing Phone Calls

Know Your Rights


From FTC.Gov

Debt Collection FAQs: A Guide for Consumers

Learn how to stop debt collections harrassing phone calls. If you’re behind in paying your bills, or a creditor’s records mistakenly make it appear that you are, a debt collector may be contacting you.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, enforces the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which prohibits debt collectors from using abusive, unfair, or deceptive practices to collect from you.

Under the FDCPA, a debt collector is someone who regularly collects debts owed to others. This includes collection agencies, lawyers who collect debts on a regular basis, and companies that buy delinquent debts and then try to collect them.